Daily challenge


Who would you like to talk to soon?

Among all I and would always love to talk to my mom and papa ALWAYS. It’s not about a daughter and mother – father relationship. It’s about a best friend I have in my life and the relationship I carry with them is irreplaceable.

I am the luckiest among few who have understanding parents with whom you can share and talk anything. As I have grown have seen my mother an understanding person who sees through you and looks over your problems and talk about it. Have seen her struggling in issues but when it came to her family she was or can say is always there to talk and listen.

It’s not only me but everyone in my family she is the first person whom everyone will call and open heart for talks and look out for solution.

I don’t know mum what I or everyone whom you love will do without you. Never a day has gone when I have not spoken to her and let my self out. May be I am incomplete without her and papa.

No matter how far I am but will always be with you and you with me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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