Awards, confessions

The Liebster Blog Award

I thank daneelyunus for nominating me for the award. Getting nominated is always a privilege as it gives the feeling of getting recognised among your fellow bloggers and a sense for satisfaction that your blog is being liked.  Daneelyunus blog is a good blog to visit as he covers different topics whether it may be informative, news or debate topics. I am sure many readers will enjoy his blog.

The Rules of this award :

  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  2. Tell  11 facts about yourself
  3. Answer the 8 questions which is given by the blogger.
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers who deserve the award
  5. Make 8 original questions for the nominees to answer
  6. Let them know they’ve been nominated.

In my earlier LiebsterAward have shared my Random facts Liebster Blog Award 

Questions asked by  Daneelyunus 

1. What you do prefer love marriage or arrange marriage?

Marriage  unites two souls and the main purpose of marriage is to stay happy, it doesn’t matter whether it’s love or arrange marriage. The people should be compatible with each other as have to stay together for life long.

2. What is the aim of your life?

A good career is everyone’s dream but apart from that a life spreading happiness.

3. Which actor and actress you like?

I need a good and worth watching movie. Not specifically as they are many.

4. Are you a bachelor or married?  Is bachelor life is comfortable than married life?

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. It depends upon the quality of life one is leading.

5. What do you prefer  friends or boyfriend and girl friend?

It’s just the stereotype thought from my opinion. In life all need at least one good friend and if in turn they become good life partners so nothing can be better than that.

6. What is the major problem in our country and why?

Forgetting humanity and fighting on the basis of religion and cast are hampering the growth of our country. I also believe reservations concept should be stopped.

7. Is live-in relationship is right or wrong?

The purpose is to stay happy and how much one is ready to take the responsiblity. I don’t think there’s anything wrong in it. The matter is how we look over the situations.

8. What do you like in sports and why?

Badminton, short races.

My Questions :

  1. What’s the worst accommodation you’ve ever stayed in?
  2. How often you visit your family and well you manage time for them?
  3. When you are travelling what kind of food you like street food , restaurants or anything specific?
  4. What is the biggest thing you have learnt in your life?
  5. What culture and country you are inspired of and why ?
  6. What are you most passionate about?
  7. How do you motivate yourself?
  8. Advice to new bloggers?

Nominees :

I keep the nominations open. Those you wish can also reply the questions in the comment box. The reason to keep nominations open is the active participation of the bloggers. 

Note : I think I am forgetting 1 or 2 more liebster award please remind me for those I am forgetting to reply.


28 thoughts on “The Liebster Blog Award

  1. Well written answers, i loved the way you wriitten.. like one good friend is atleast needed.. if by chance we get them as a life partner… nothing best can occur.. i truely comply on that..
    All the best..

    Liked by 1 person

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