
One meal together

With change in life style rejoicing meals together with family is missing. Leading to gaps within family members.

Let’s make efforts and set regular times to eat together with family.

Don’t trap yourself with thoughts, that what you are doing is for family. All efforts are going in pain as you have forgotten the meaning of family, meaning of being together.

So,reduce rush, get everyone involved during one of the meals. Take these meals as an opportunity to talk with your family. Don’t let your expressions create conflict among family members rather make efforts to understand each other better.

Remember when family sits together, it helps them to handle stress of daily life and hassles of day-to-day existence. Eat together without gadgets and spend quality time for netted relationships. Moreover your kids will not go out in wrong crowd to seek approval or for suggestions.

Encourage attachments and establish confidence among members. Remember family meals will not only help in health development, but will also make your children well mannered and adjusted kids.

Remember having one meal together is not for food but a craving for being together and enhance family dynamics.



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14 thoughts on “One meal together

  1. Tanvir, you hit this one on the head! I totally agree with your points about getting together for family, well-adjusted kids and no gadgets at the table. Loved it!

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